1. There’s mischief around every corner. Explain to kids that they need to be fully aware of what is happening around them and take notice of anything suspicious. If they do notice something is odd, they need to inform a parent or trusted adult that is with their group.
2. Witches and ghosts always go in pairs. Be sure to tell your child how important it is to stay with the group and not to venture off alone. With a large number of people out and about it is easy for a child to get lost in the crowd.
3. Teach kids to kick some monster butt. Kids should know safety and defense skills that can come in handy on any day, but especially in large crowds and unfamiliar territory. Sign kids up for age-appropriate self-defense classes that not only teaches kids physical skills, but body language and verbal skills that can help deter assailants. If your child doesn’t have time to go to a class, Krav Maga Worldwide offers online courses through their Online Academy that can be done in the comfort of your living room.
4. Be mindful of costumes. Equip your child with comfortable shoes, flame retardant costume, prop safety, forgo masks and use face paint for better sight and breathing. It is also a good idea to provide your child with a reflector strip, glow sticks, or flashlights.
5. Snap a picture of your lil ghoul. Take a picture of your child before leaving the house so that you can instantly recall what their costume looked like in case you get separated. It is also a smart idea to put your name and number on your child’s hand and seal it with liquid Band-Aid so it stays put.
6. Stranger danger can give you a fright. Stress the importance to kids that they should not associate with strangers or enter a stranger’s home. Teach your child to only accept treats from the doorway and to let you know if something occurs that makes them uncomfortable while they are going door-to-door.
7. When in doubt throw it out. Once you are home and sorting through your child’s candy, get rid of anything that is open, has been repackages or is homemade. It’s better to be safe than sorry! Also, pay attention to candy that can cause choking hazards like gum and hard candies.
For more information check out www.kravmaga.com see the Facebook page (Krav Maga Worldwide), follow on Instagram @krav_maga_worldwide or call 800.572.8624.