Monday, May 07, 2018

Sunday Brunch: (Gluten-Free) Chicken and Waffles

May is Celiac Awareness Month. I have been tested for Celiac a few times over the years though bloodwork and biopsies; and fortunately my tests have been negative. However, it has been suggested that I have Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity which means I experience symptoms similar to those of Celiac disease.  I try to eliminate carbs in my diet, or find a gluten-free alternative, as I do feel better when I remove gluten from my diet.

So here's one of my favorite recipes: Chicken and Waffles, Gluten-Free Style!

I lightly fry thin-sliced chicken cutlets in the skillet (about 2 minutes each side, until the crust just starts to brown).  Then, I transfer the chicken to a baking dish and continue to cook in the oven at 350-degrees for an additional 20-minutes while I make my Gluten-Free Waffles. (I like the King Arthur's Gluten Free All-Purpose Flour. It works great when frying items.)

The best Gluten-Free Waffle Mix, in my opinion is the Trader Joe's brand! I've used it for a while now.  I follow the recipe on the box, but also add a teaspoon of vanilla extract for an extra touch of sweetness!

As a side note, I tend to use organic, free-range eggs in my home.

My family loves the taste of Pure Maple Syrup. 
Pure maple syrup is just one ingredient, sourced from nature, and contains no high fructose corn syrup and no artificial flavors or colors. 

Doesn't this look great!?!
My husband and kids requested seconds!

My drink of choice is Processco, but for those who prefer a non-alcoholic beverage, I suggest this nice sparkling tea that I found at World Market
(No Sweeteners, Certified Organic and Certified Non GMO)

Happy Brunching, Y'all!